In a recent comment friend of the blog Stef (of Happimess Media fame – wicked funny and please check out her work if you have not already) asked for “a” picture of my game collection. The pictures I took are not great quality, so I am making up for it by posting over 20 of them. Not your thing? Save yourself and exit now.
Another practical reason shelfies are great for Idle Remorse is that Keri will reference them for months to come. When I say, “Do you have game requests?” she will pull up a shelfie photo and suggest several games from the same general area. I can go grab them en masse and be on my way.
In case you are wondering, we do have a pool table we do not use. It is yours for the low cost of a few games you don’t see in these photos. Pick up only.
OK, here we go.

Ah, I see a lot of unwritten reviews in this pile.

I have not played any of these gems, yet. Over n out

An interesting pile… some played recently and some not at all

Almost all played recently and some waiting for review love.

We found XCOM the other day complete for $2!

Something in me says Best In Show will be a great game

Vampire Hunters is the first miniature game I backed on Kickstarter, and I had no idea what I’d receive in the mail. The brown boxes are also Vampire Hunters.

Doctor, Doctor was actually kind of fun

Another image that covers quite a spectrum. A lot of amazing games here though

I am a sucker for mystery and deduction games. Here is more evidence of that

Lots of good memories and upcoming reviews in this pile

Probably not the most fun image in the shelfie group but Win Lose or Draw is a good game

I do like a party game and here are a couple of great ones

Bill usually has a method to his filing but I am not sure what this grouping represents

How many basements has Myst been in without being played? I’m coming for you Myst

Girl games, one of our most played and loved areas of the shelfie

I plan to do a Q-bert review with a very special guest!

I can’t even think of anything to say about this one

This has a mix of word games, mystery games, electronic games and Ideal games

Past fun and future fun all captured in one shelfie

All classics

This is just my Panic Mode prototype from The Game Crafter, still enjoying special treatment in the dining room

More of the newer ones and ones we intend to play

This is Gloomhaven. It is 22 lbs, takes up its own shelf and is waiting for us
It is worth noting that I try not to review games that have already been heavily reviewed. Because of this preference and my natural tendency to vintage games, on any given game night we tend to play from one to four vintage games. When we do branch out to modern games (like Gloomhaven) or older strategic games (like when Bill makes us play AH Dune) it will not be covered here. If you think it should be let me know.
Questions, comments welcome as well as your own shelfies.